My Popular Classes


Meditation, Deep Relaxation and Healing Class
This one day class 9.30am - 4.00pm on a Saturday
The meditation techniques in this class will transform your life. It involves different meditation techniques, such as Ancient Tibetan Meditation, still used in monasteries today, ZarZen, Vipassana, Visualisation, Channeling through the Chakras to the Trans personal Point, Meditation through the Senses with the Breath, Psychic Art, Energizing  with Yin and Yang, Deep Relaxation with the Breath, Healing through Meditation, Qui Gong Meditation.
Learning how to heal yourself, others and your pets.

Meditation and Deep Relaxation 
Class from 9.30am - 1.00pm
Meditation techniques that will relax, heal, revitalize and energize you.

2 Hours a week
For 2 hours a week to keep meditation at a consistent level to monitor progress and potential.

Psychic Development Class
One day class 9.30am - 4.00pm Saturday
Enhance your  psychic abilities with meditation, deep relaxation, psychic protection, learn how to see, scan feel the aura, channel through the chakras, psychometry (which is the first step to medium-ship), learn to read photos, crystal ball, numerology and touching the Tarot.
Award Certificate in Basic Psychic Development.

Chi Kung (Qi Gong) - I Chuan - Meditation Class
Times to be advised
Chi Kung (Qi Gong) and I Chuan simple Taoist exercises that work on the internal organs and meridians of the body improving the flow of chi relaxing the mind and body enhancing the nervous system and improving balance and energy levels. Benefits are reaped after the first simple exercises which have a Mind and Body connection promoting improved health and stamina no matter what age or state of fitness. Qi Gong meditation is extremely relaxing, and takes you to the point of stillness. With regular practice you will experience a profound change spiritually.

"There are but three ways,
The way of the Heavens,
The way of the Earth,
And the way we must follow, the Tao."

-Lin Tui